Hard water can make things like showering and laundry less enjoyable and more expensive. Those extra minerals and deposits can irritate the skin, clog pipes and dry out materials instead of rehydrating them. That’s why many people turn to water softeners, aiming to improve their quality of life. A good water softener will certainly do that, but there are plenty of other benefits you can expect, as well.

How Does a Water Softener Save You Money?

The benefits of water softeners are well-documented for everything from your hair and skin to the very core of your home. When you invest in a water softener system, your wallet can be the biggest winner of all. These are some of the ways a water softener works for you.

1. It Protects Appliances

You use your showers, sinks, washing machine and even coffee maker every day. That means every day, minerals like magnesium and calcium have the chance to build up. And once they start, it’s easier for them to develop into large deposits that prevent any system from operating the way it should.

Treating your water system with a softener prevents that buildup from starting in the first place, extending your appliances’ life spans for months or years. Plus, a water softener may also help you maintain warranties that would not apply to hard water damage. 

2. It Saves Your Plumbing and Pipes

Similarly, the curves and dips of your home plumbing system are the perfect place for mineral deposits to grow. When they become clogged or corroded from buildup, you’re on the hook for highly expensive repairs to more than just your pipes. Even a simple leak can cause mold growth and property damage.

Using a water softener keeps mineral deposits out of your pipes and preserves the integrity of all your home’s systems.

3. You Can Use Less Energy

If you’ve been trying to figure out why your energy bill just keeps increasing, it may be time to take a look at your water heater. Limescale buildup is particularly common in this area, and it affects the heater’s ability to effectively warm your water. With soft water running through your system, your water heater can operate with less energy, saving you money on some of your largest bills.

4. It Keeps Your Clothes in Better Condition

Hard water can be just as irritating to your clothes as it is to you — it stiffens and wears fabric faster, plus it keeps your detergents from working effectively. Soft water lathers better and helps keep your clothes feeling soft and looking more vibrant for longer. It can also benefit other cleaning products you use with water around the house!

Find the Most Efficient Water Softener at Culligan of Mechanicsburg

Culligan Water is proud to produce the market’s most efficient water softener available. With more than 80 years of knowledge and experience under our belts, we know what works and how to make our products last. Save money in every part of your home by connecting with our professionals today and learning more about our self-adjusting, smart-sensing water softener

Find the Most Efficient Water Softener at Culligan of Mechanicsburg