America’s drinking water is widely considered among the world’s best, with stringent measures in place across the nation to ensure superior water quality. Drinking water must meet health and safety standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Safe Drinking Water Act. Public water system treatment facilities must also meet the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations.

Even with these regulations in place, it’s wise to test your home water periodically — water that is technically safe for consumption may still be problematic for use in your appliances or on your body. Testing your water is important to proactively address contamination concerns and ensure its continued quality.

Why Testing Your Water Is Important

While not actively harmful, hard water is rough on appliances and tends to have an unpleasant flavor. When you taste the water, it might have a metallic, chemical tinge. You’ll likely notice prominent changes when you wash your hair, body and dishes, such as your hair being harder, your skin being drier than usual and the dishwater being cloudy. You may also note soap scum accumulating on bath edges and shower doors.

Identifying hard water through testing puts you one step closer to finding an appropriate solution.

Benefits of Having Your Drinking Water Tested

Access to clean, safe drinking water from the tap is essential, especially if you’re trying to reduce your use of costly bottled water.

Testing your drinking water comes with these benefits for your home and family:

1. Detects Contaminants

Water may contain potential contaminants depending on its source, and its quality report may change over time due to evolving conditions. Indications of poor quality include a murky or cloudy appearance. Regular testing identifies any pollutants present so you can implement an effective treatment regimen that improves your tap water’s taste and cleanliness.

With the right water treatment systems, you can return the water to optimal drinking conditions as the quality improves. Having your water at the appropriate softness will make using it much more enjoyable and has the potential to extend the life span of your appliances.

2. Protects Your Environment

By testing your drinking water, you help identify contaminants that could adversely impact your immediate environment. Undesirable pollutants in your water are likely affecting nearby ecosystems as well — identifying potentially harmful substances allows you to notify local authorities so they can take action.

Though public water supplies undergo continuous testing and contamination going unnoticed is unlikely, it’s not impossible to find and report issues by regularly testing your home’s drinking water.

3. Provides Health Benefits

Impure water can lead to health complications such as upset stomach and diarrhea. Hydrogen sulfide is a common pollutant that stains clothes, has a rotten egg smell and makes water taste foul. Testing your drinking water can detect the presence of harmful contaminants, allowing you to take action and eliminate them through effective water treatment systems.

4. Safeguards Plumbing Systems

Water with a high acidity may cause corrosion and damage pipes and fittings. Testing your water and treating it to balance the pH levels as needed can help increase your plumbing system’s life span.

5. Saves Money

The long-term effects of testing and treating your drinking water impact your wallet in several ways. Having clean drinking water at home saves you from spending money on bottled water. Just grabbing a bottle of water is certainly convenient, but the cost adds up quickly — a reusable bottle refilled from your tap is a much more sustainable and economical solution.

When you consider the potential savings on longer-lasting appliances and plumbing as well, water treatment can have a considerable return on investment.

Culligan Water Treatment Solutions

Culligan Water is a leader in providing highly effective water treatment solutions. We empower households to conduct on-site water tests to ensure their peace of mind. Our water filtering and softener systems treat your water to keep it soft, clean and safe.

Water Softener Systems

Our efficient water softener systems include innovative technology that adjusts the softener to maintain consistency as water conditions change. We supply various softener systems to meet your requirements, including:

Drinking Water Systems

We can also supply drinking water systems for your home. These convenient, reliable systems use reverse osmosis filtration and exchangeable filters to provide clean drinking water on demand. Our options include:

Schedule a Free Water Analysis With Culligan Water Today!

Although we’re widely known for the technology, Culligan Water offers more than just water softeners. We provide solutions to all your water problems. We’ll conduct a free water analysis and recommend a water filtration system to suit your requirements.

Call us at 717-697-0657 to discuss your options for assessing and improving your home’s water quality. You can also make an appointment online for a free water analysis today!